What is THC Distillate and Why Is It Such an Effective Way to Consume Cannabis?

The first thing to understand about the cannabis plant is that it emits hundreds of cannabinoids, which are the chemical compounds that provide numerous forms of relief.  THC is one of those cannabinoids secreted by cannabis. It is the most potently psychoactive, giving you that “high” feeling.

When consuming cannabis in its natural form (like smoking the flower) you’re going to feel the effects of THC along with all of the other cannabinoids produced by the plant. What’s most important to understand about this is the “Entourage Effect.” This means that all of the compounds are interacting and working as a team to produce specific feelings and effects.

So what is THC distillate and how is it different than just smoking the flower?

THC distillate is exactly what it sounds like: a distilled version of THC. It is pure THC. Nothing else. THC distillate is produced through a process of extraction, which means taking away all other compounds and plant waxes. This results in only one compound left - THC. THC distillate is becoming a leading product in the cannabis industry for a few reasons:

1. There’s a whoooole lot more THC content! The finished product has roughly 90-99%, as compared to flower, which has only about 15-25% THC content.

2. It’s extremely clean and pure – all of the impurities and chemicals are removed.

3. It’s odorless, which means having to ability to consume it anywhere and everywhere discretely. 

4. You won’t have the “heavy lungs” that smoking flower gives you. Enjoy the high feeling without sacrificing your active lifestyle.  

5. There’s a multitude of methods to use it: vaporizing, adding it to your joint, orally giving yourself a drop underneath your tongue, and our personal fav – infusing it into chocolate!

At Cannatopia Edibles, we use THC distillate and infuse it into vegan dark chocolate. It’s a safe, healthy, discrete, and, most importantly, delicious way to consume cannabis and reap all of its benefits!